Iterating Over a Bitset in Java
How fast can you iterate over a bitset? Daniel Lemire published a benchmark recently in support of a strategy using the number of trailing zeroes to skip over empty bits. I have used the same technique in Java several times in my hobby project SplitMap and this is something I am keen to optimise. I think that the best strategy depends on what you want to do with the set bits, and how sparse and uniformly distributed they are. I argue that the cost of iteration is less important than the constraints your API imposes on the caller, and whether the caller is free to exploit patterns in the data.
C2 Generates Good Code
If you think C++ is much faster than Java, you either don’t know much about Java or do lots of floating point arithmetic. This isn’t about benchmarking C++ against Java, but comparing the compilation outputs for a C++ implementation and a Java implementation shows that there won’t be much difference if your Java method gets hot. Only the time to performance will differ, and this is amortised over the lifetime of an application. The trailing zeroes implementation is probably the fastest technique in Java as well as in C++, but that is to ignore the optimisations you can’t apply to the callback if you use it too literally.
Compiling this C++ function with GCC yields the snippet of assembly taken from the loop kernel:
template <typename CALLBACK>
static void for_each(const long* bitmap, const int size, const CALLBACK& callback) {
for (size_t k = 0; k < size; ++k) {
long bitset = bitmap[k];
while (bitset != 0) {
callback((k * 64) + __builtin_ctzl(bitset));
bitset ^= (bitset & -bitset);
The instruction tzcntl
calculates the next set bit and blsr
switches it off.
movq %rdi, %rcx
blsr %ebx, %ebx
call _ZNSo3putEc
movq %rax, %rcx
call _ZNSo5flushEv
testl %ebx, %ebx
je .L96
xorl %edx, %edx
movq %r12, %rcx
tzcntl %ebx, %edx
addl %ebp, %edx
call _ZNSolsEi
movq %rax, %rdi
movq (%rax), %rax
movq -24(%rax), %rax
movq 240(%rdi,%rax), %rsi
testq %rsi, %rsi
je .L108
cmpb $0, 56(%rsi)
jne .L109
movq %rsi, %rcx
call _ZNKSt5ctypeIcE13_M_widen_initEv
movq (%rsi), %rax
movl $10, %edx
movq 48(%rax), %rax
cmpq %r14, %rax
je .L99
movq %rsi, %rcx
call *%rax
movsbl %al, %edx
jmp .L99
.p2align 4,,10
In Java, almost identical code is generated.
public void forEach(long[] bitmap, IntConsumer consumer) {
for (int i = 0; i < bitmap.length; ++i) {
long word = bitmap[i];
while (word != 0) {
consumer.accept(Long.SIZE * i + Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(word));
word ^= Long.lowestOneBit(word);
The key difference is that xor
and blsi
haven’t been fused into blsr
, so the C++ code is probably slightly faster. A lambda function accumulating the contents of an array is inlined into this loop (the add
comes from an inlined lambda, but notice how little time is spent adding compared to computing the bit to switch off in this sample produced by perfasm).
.83% 0x000002d79d366a19: tzcnt r9,rcx
8.53% 0x000002d79d366a1e: add r9d,ebx
0.42% 0x000002d79d366a21: cmp r9d,r8d
0.00% 0x000002d79d366a24: jnb 2d79d366a4dh
0.62% 0x000002d79d366a26: add r10d,dword ptr [rdi+r9*4+10h]
16.22% 0x000002d79d366a2b: vmovq r11,xmm4
6.68% 0x000002d79d366a30: mov dword ptr [r11+10h],r10d
27.92% 0x000002d79d366a34: blsi r10,rcx
0.55% 0x000002d79d366a39: xor rcx,r10
0.10% 0x000002d79d366a3c: mov r11,qword ptr [r15+70h]
It’s this Java code, and its impact on which optimisations can be applied to the IntConsumer
that this post focuses on. There are different principles, particularly related to inlining and vectorisation opportunities in C++, but this blog is about Java. Depending on what your callback does, you get different benchmark results and you should make different choices about how to do the iteration: you just can’t assess this in isolation.
Special Casing -1
Imagine you have an int[]
containing data, and you are iterating over a mask or materialised predicate over that data. For each set bit, you want to add the corresponding entry in the array to a sum. In Java, that looks like this (you’ve already seen the generated assembly above):
public int reduce() {
int[] result = new int[1];
forEach(bitmap, i -> result[0] += data[i]);
return result[0];
How fast can this get? It obviously depends on how full the bitset is. The worst case would be that it’s completely full, and it couldn’t get much better than if only one bit per word were set. The difference is noticeable, but scales by a factor less than the number of bits:
Benchmark | Mode | Threads | Samples | Score | Score Error (99.9%) | Unit | Param: scenario |
reduce | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 7.435909 | 0.017491 | ops/ms | FULL |
reduce | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 260.305307 | 6.081961 | ops/ms | ONE_BIT_PER_WORD |
But the important code here, the callback itself, is stuck at entry level compilation. There is no unrolling, no vectorisation, the add
s can’t be pipelined because there is a data dependency on blsi
and xor
. We can do much better in some cases, and not much worse in others, just by treating -1 as a special case, profiting from optimisations that can now be applied inside the callback. Passing a different callback which consumes whole words costs a branch, but it’s often worth it. Here’s the iterator now:
interface WordConsumer {
void acceptWord(int wordIndex, long word);
public void forEach(long[] bitmap, IntConsumer intConsumer, WordConsumer wordConsumer) {
for (int i = 0; i < bitmap.length; ++i) {
long word = bitmap[i];
if (word == -1L) {
wordConsumer.acceptWord(i, word);
} else {
while (word != 0) {
intConsumer.accept(Long.SIZE * i + Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(word));
word ^= Long.lowestOneBit(word);
public int reduceWithWordConsumer() {
int[] result = new int[1];
forEach(bitmap, i -> result[0] += data[i], (index, word) -> {
if (word != -1L) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
int sum = 0;
for (int i = index * Long.SIZE; i < (index + 1) * Long.SIZE; ++i) {
sum += data[i];
result[0] += sum;
return result[0];
This really pays off when the bitset is full, but having that extra branch does seem to cost something even though it is never taken, whereas the full case improves 6x.
Benchmark | Mode | Threads | Samples | Score | Score Error (99.9%) | Unit | Param: scenario |
reduce | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 7.401202 | 0.118648 | ops/ms | FULL |
reduce | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 261.682016 | 4.155856 | ops/ms | ONE_BIT_PER_WORD |
reduceWithWordConsumer | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 43.972759 | 0.993264 | ops/ms | FULL |
reduceWithWordConsumer | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 222.824868 | 4.877147 | ops/ms | ONE_BIT_PER_WORD |
We still don’t actually know the cost of the branch when it’s taken every now and then. To estimate it, we need a new scenario (or new scenarios) which mix full and sparse words. As you might expect, having the WordConsumer
is great when one word in every few is full: the fast path is so much faster, it practically skips the word.
Benchmark | Mode | Threads | Samples | Score | Score Error (99.9%) | Unit | Param: scenario |
reduce | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 157.358633 | 4.538679 | ops/ms | SPARSE_16_FULL_WORDS |
reduceWithWordConsumer | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 257.041035 | 7.446404 | ops/ms | SPARSE_16_FULL_WORDS |
So in this scenario, the branch has paid for itself. How? The data dependency has been removed with a countable loop. Here’s the perfasm output. Notice two things: long runs of add
instructions, and the vastly reduced percentage against blsi
. The time is now spent adding numbers up, not switching off least significant bits. This feels like progress.
0.05% 0x000001dd5b35af03: add ebx,dword ptr [rdi+r9*4+10h]
0.31% 0x000001dd5b35af08: add ebx,dword ptr [rdi+r11*4+14h]
0.32% 0x000001dd5b35af0d: add ebx,dword ptr [rdi+r11*4+18h]
0.33% 0x000001dd5b35af12: add ebx,dword ptr [rdi+r11*4+1ch]
0.37% 0x000001dd5b35af17: add ebx,dword ptr [rdi+r11*4+20h]
0.34% 0x000001dd5b35af1c: add ebx,dword ptr [rdi+r11*4+24h]
0.39% 0x000001dd5b35af21: add ebx,dword ptr [rdi+r11*4+28h]
0.36% 0x000001dd5b35af26: add ebx,dword ptr [rdi+r11*4+2ch]
0.34% 0x000001dd5b35af2b: add ebx,dword ptr [rdi+r11*4+30h]
0.35% 0x000001dd5b35af30: add ebx,dword ptr [rdi+r11*4+34h]
0.38% 0x000001dd5b35af35: add ebx,dword ptr [rdi+r11*4+38h]
0.36% 0x000001dd5b35af3a: add ebx,dword ptr [rdi+r11*4+3ch]
0.49% 0x000001dd5b35af3f: add ebx,dword ptr [rdi+r11*4+40h]
0.39% 0x000001dd5b35af44: add ebx,dword ptr [rdi+r11*4+44h]
0.42% 0x000001dd5b35af49: add ebx,dword ptr [rdi+r11*4+48h]
0.39% 0x000001dd5b35af4e: add ebx,dword ptr [rdi+r11*4+4ch]
2.39% 0x000001dd5b35afe9: tzcnt r11,rbx
2.65% 0x000001dd5b35afee: add r11d,r10d
2.15% 0x000001dd5b35aff1: cmp r11d,r9d
0.00% 0x000001dd5b35aff4: jnb 1dd5b35b04dh
2.29% 0x000001dd5b35aff6: add r8d,dword ptr [rdi+r11*4+10h]
11.03% 0x000001dd5b35affb: vmovq r11,xmm0
2.45% 0x000001dd5b35b000: mov dword ptr [r11+10h],r8d
3.14% 0x000001dd5b35b004: mov r11,qword ptr [r15+70h]
2.18% 0x000001dd5b35b008: blsi r8,rbx
2.23% 0x000001dd5b35b00d: xor rbx,r8
Heroically ploughing through the full words tells a different story: blsi
is up at 11%. This indicates more time is spent iterating rather than evaluating the callback.
6.98% 0x0000019f106c6799: tzcnt r9,rdi
3.47% 0x0000019f106c679e: add r9d,ebx
1.65% 0x0000019f106c67a1: cmp r9d,r10d
0x0000019f106c67a4: jnb 19f106c67cdh
1.67% 0x0000019f106c67a6: add r11d,dword ptr [r8+r9*4+10h]
11.45% 0x0000019f106c67ab: vmovq r9,xmm2
3.20% 0x0000019f106c67b0: mov dword ptr [r9+10h],r11d
11.31% 0x0000019f106c67b4: blsi r11,rdi
1.71% 0x0000019f106c67b9: xor rdi,r11
This shows the cost of a data dependency in a loop. The operation we want to perform is associative, so we could even vectorise this. In C++ that might happen automatically, or could be ensured with intrinsics, but C2 has various heuristics: it won’t try to vectorise a simple reduction, and 64 would probably be on the short side for most cases it would try to vectorise.
Acknowledging Runs
You might be tempted to transfer even more control to the callback, by accumulating runs and then calling the callback once per run. It simplifies the code to exclude incomplete start and end words from the run.
private interface RunConsumer {
void acceptRun(int start, int end);
public void forEach(long[] bitmap, IntConsumer intConsumer, RunConsumer runConsumer) {
int runStart = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < bitmap.length; ++i) {
long word = bitmap[i];
if (word == -1L) {
if (runStart == -1) {
runStart = i;
} else {
if (runStart != -1) {
runConsumer.acceptRun(runStart * Long.SIZE, i * Long.SIZE);
runStart = -1;
while (word != 0) {
intConsumer.accept(Long.SIZE * i + Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(word));
word ^= Long.lowestOneBit(word);
if (runStart != -1) {
runConsumer.acceptRun(runStart * Long.SIZE, bitmap.length * Long.SIZE);
For a simple reduction, the extra complexity isn’t justified: you’re better off with the WordIterator
Benchmark | Mode | Threads | Samples | Score | Score Error (99.9%) | Unit | Param: scenario |
reduce | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 160.502749 | 2.960568 | ops/ms | SPARSE_16_FULL_WORDS |
reduce | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 7.294747 | 0.186678 | ops/ms | FULL |
reduce | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 258.064511 | 8.902233 | ops/ms | ONE_BIT_PER_WORD |
reduce | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 159.613877 | 3.424432 | ops/ms | SPARSE_1_16_WORD_RUN |
reduceWithRunConsumer | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 251.683131 | 6.799639 | ops/ms | SPARSE_16_FULL_WORDS |
reduceWithRunConsumer | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 37.809154 | 0.723198 | ops/ms | FULL |
reduceWithRunConsumer | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 218.133560 | 13.756779 | ops/ms | ONE_BIT_PER_WORD |
reduceWithRunConsumer | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 140.896826 | 8.495777 | ops/ms | SPARSE_1_16_WORD_RUN |
reduceWithWordConsumer | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 257.961783 | 5.892072 | ops/ms | SPARSE_16_FULL_WORDS |
reduceWithWordConsumer | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 43.909471 | 0.601319 | ops/ms | FULL |
reduceWithWordConsumer | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 213.731758 | 20.398077 | ops/ms | ONE_BIT_PER_WORD |
reduceWithWordConsumer | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 258.280428 | 11.316647 | ops/ms | SPARSE_1_16_WORD_RUN |
It’s simplistic to measure this and conclude that this is a bad approach though. There are several other dimensions to this problem:
- Vectorised callbacks
- Inlining failures preventing optimisations
- The number of runs and their lengths (i.e. your data and how you structure it)
Vectorisable Callbacks
There are real benefits to batching up callbacks if the workload in the callback can be vectorised. The code doesn’t need to get much more complicated to start benefitting from larger iteration batches. Mapping each bit to a scaled and squared value from the data array and storing it into an output array illustrates this.
public void map(Blackhole bh) {
forEach(bitmap, i -> output[i] = data[i] * data[i] * factor);
public void mapWithWordConsumer(Blackhole bh) {
forEach(bitmap, i -> output[0] = data[i] * factor, (WordConsumer) (index, word) -> {
if (word != -1L) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
for (int i = index * Long.SIZE; i < (index + 1) * Long.SIZE; ++i) {
output[i] = data[i] * data[i] * factor;
public void mapWithRunConsumer(Blackhole bh) {
forEach(bitmap, i -> output[0] = data[i] * factor, (RunConsumer) (start, end) -> {
for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
output[i] = data[i] * data[i] * factor;
The RunConsumer
does much better in the full case, never much worse than the WordConsumer
and always better than the basic strategy - even when there is only one run in the entire bitset, or when there are a few full words in an otherwise sparse bitset.
Benchmark | Mode | Threads | Samples | Score | Score Error (99.9%) | Unit | Param: scenario |
map | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 127.876662 | 3.411741 | ops/ms | SPARSE_16_FULL_WORDS |
map | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 10.598974 | 0.022404 | ops/ms | FULL |
map | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 126.434666 | 18.608547 | ops/ms | ONE_BIT_PER_WORD |
map | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 115.977840 | 20.449258 | ops/ms | SPARSE_1_16_WORD_RUN |
mapWithRunConsumer | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 199.186167 | 8.138446 | ops/ms | SPARSE_16_FULL_WORDS |
mapWithRunConsumer | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 64.230868 | 2.871434 | ops/ms | FULL |
mapWithRunConsumer | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 219.963063 | 4.257561 | ops/ms | ONE_BIT_PER_WORD |
mapWithRunConsumer | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 203.403804 | 6.907366 | ops/ms | SPARSE_1_16_WORD_RUN |
mapWithWordConsumer | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 229.822235 | 5.276084 | ops/ms | SPARSE_16_FULL_WORDS |
mapWithWordConsumer | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 48.381990 | 3.845642 | ops/ms | FULL |
mapWithWordConsumer | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 218.907803 | 5.331011 | ops/ms | ONE_BIT_PER_WORD |
mapWithWordConsumer | thrpt | 1 | 10 | 240.795280 | 10.204818 | ops/ms | SPARSE_1_16_WORD_RUN |
This is simply because the callback was vectorised, and the style of the RunConsumer
API allows this to be exploited. This can be seen with perfasm. Both the WordConsumer
and RunConsumer
are actually vectorised, but the thing to notice is that there are two hot regions in the WordConsumer benchmark: the iteration and the callback, this boundary is often crossed. On the other hand, the RunConsumer implementation spends most of its time in the callback.
....[Hottest Region 1]..............................................................................
c2, com.openkappa.simd.iterate.generated.BitSetIterator_mapWithWordConsumer_jmhTest::mapWithWordConsumer_thrpt_jmhStub, version 172 (227 bytes)
1.55% 0x000001c2aa13c790: vmovdqu ymm1,ymmword ptr [r9+r10*4+10h]
0.15% 0x000001c2aa13c797: vpmulld ymm1,ymm1,ymm1
3.72% 0x000001c2aa13c79c: vpmulld ymm1,ymm1,ymm2
16.02% 0x000001c2aa13c7a1: vmovdqu ymmword ptr [rdx+r10*4+10h],ymm1
1.69% 0x000001c2aa13c7a8: movsxd r8,r10d
1.55% 0x000001c2aa13c7ab: vmovdqu ymm1,ymmword ptr [r9+r8*4+30h]
1.46% 0x000001c2aa13c7b2: vpmulld ymm1,ymm1,ymm1
1.71% 0x000001c2aa13c7b7: vpmulld ymm1,ymm1,ymm2
3.20% 0x000001c2aa13c7bc: vmovdqu ymmword ptr [rdx+r8*4+30h],ymm1
0.07% 0x000001c2aa13c7c3: add r10d,10h
1.70% 0x000001c2aa13c7c7: cmp r10d,r11d
0x000001c2aa13c7ca: jl 1c2aa13c790h
0.02% 0x000001c2aa13c7cc: mov r8,qword ptr [r15+70h]
1.50% 0x000001c2aa13c7d0: test dword ptr [r8],eax
0.04% 0x000001c2aa13c7d3: cmp r10d,r11d
0x000001c2aa13c7d6: jl 1c2aa13c78ah
0.05% 0x000001c2aa13c7d8: mov r11d,dword ptr [rsp+5ch]
0.02% 0x000001c2aa13c7dd: add r11d,39h
1.57% 0x000001c2aa13c7e1: mov r8d,ecx
0.02% 0x000001c2aa13c7e4: cmp r8d,r11d
0.06% 0x000001c2aa13c7e7: mov ecx,80000000h
0.02% 0x000001c2aa13c7ec: cmovl r11d,ecx
1.50% 0x000001c2aa13c7f0: cmp r10d,r11d
0x000001c2aa13c7f3: jnl 1c2aa13c819h
0.02% 0x000001c2aa13c7f5: nop
0.06% 0x000001c2aa13c7f8: vmovdqu ymm1,ymmword ptr [r9+r10*4+10h]
0.21% 0x000001c2aa13c7ff: vpmulld ymm1,ymm1,ymm1
2.16% 0x000001c2aa13c804: vpmulld ymm1,ymm1,ymm2
1.80% 0x000001c2aa13c809: vmovdqu ymmword ptr [rdx+r10*4+10h],ymm1
53.26% <total for region 1>
....[Hottest Region 1]..............................................................................
c2, com.openkappa.simd.iterate.BitSetIterator$$Lambda$44.1209658195::acceptRun, version 166 (816 bytes)
0.92% 0x0000016658954860: vmovdqu ymm0,ymmword ptr [rdx+r8*4+10h]
1.31% 0x0000016658954867: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm0
1.74% 0x000001665895486c: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm1
4.55% 0x0000016658954871: vmovdqu ymmword ptr [rdi+r8*4+10h],ymm0
0.69% 0x0000016658954878: movsxd rcx,r8d
0.01% 0x000001665895487b: vmovdqu ymm0,ymmword ptr [rdx+rcx*4+30h]
0.41% 0x0000016658954881: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm0
0.78% 0x0000016658954886: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm1
0.83% 0x000001665895488b: vmovdqu ymmword ptr [rdi+rcx*4+30h],ymm0
0.25% 0x0000016658954891: vmovdqu ymm0,ymmword ptr [rdx+rcx*4+50h]
1.29% 0x0000016658954897: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm0
1.51% 0x000001665895489c: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm1
3.65% 0x00000166589548a1: vmovdqu ymmword ptr [rdi+rcx*4+50h],ymm0
0.54% 0x00000166589548a7: vmovdqu ymm0,ymmword ptr [rdx+rcx*4+70h]
0.31% 0x00000166589548ad: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm0
0.47% 0x00000166589548b2: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm1
1.11% 0x00000166589548b7: vmovdqu ymmword ptr [rdi+rcx*4+70h],ymm0
0.28% 0x00000166589548bd: vmovdqu ymm0,ymmword ptr [rdx+rcx*4+90h]
1.17% 0x00000166589548c6: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm0
1.89% 0x00000166589548cb: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm1
3.56% 0x00000166589548d0: vmovdqu ymmword ptr [rdi+rcx*4+90h],ymm0
0.73% 0x00000166589548d9: vmovdqu ymm0,ymmword ptr [rdx+rcx*4+0b0h]
0.21% 0x00000166589548e2: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm0
0.34% 0x00000166589548e7: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm1
1.29% 0x00000166589548ec: vmovdqu ymmword ptr [rdi+rcx*4+0b0h],ymm0
0.33% 0x00000166589548f5: vmovdqu ymm0,ymmword ptr [rdx+rcx*4+0d0h]
0.97% 0x00000166589548fe: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm0
1.90% 0x0000016658954903: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm1
3.59% 0x0000016658954908: vmovdqu ymmword ptr [rdi+rcx*4+0d0h],ymm0
0.82% 0x0000016658954911: vmovdqu ymm0,ymmword ptr [rdx+rcx*4+0f0h]
0.18% 0x000001665895491a: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm0
0.29% 0x000001665895491f: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm1
1.25% 0x0000016658954924: vmovdqu ymmword ptr [rdi+rcx*4+0f0h],ymm0
0.33% 0x000001665895492d: vmovdqu ymm0,ymmword ptr [rdx+rcx*4+110h]
1.10% 0x0000016658954936: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm0
2.11% 0x000001665895493b: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm1
3.67% 0x0000016658954940: vmovdqu ymmword ptr [rdi+rcx*4+110h],ymm0
0.93% 0x0000016658954949: vmovdqu ymm0,ymmword ptr [rdx+rcx*4+130h]
0.13% 0x0000016658954952: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm0
0.25% 0x0000016658954957: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm1
1.35% 0x000001665895495c: vmovdqu ymmword ptr [rdi+rcx*4+130h],ymm0
0.32% 0x0000016658954965: vmovdqu ymm0,ymmword ptr [rdx+rcx*4+150h]
0.93% 0x000001665895496e: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm0
2.16% 0x0000016658954973: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm1
3.73% 0x0000016658954978: vmovdqu ymmword ptr [rdi+rcx*4+150h],ymm0
0.95% 0x0000016658954981: vmovdqu ymm0,ymmword ptr [rdx+rcx*4+170h]
0.14% 0x000001665895498a: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm0
0.21% 0x000001665895498f: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm1
1.39% 0x0000016658954994: vmovdqu ymmword ptr [rdi+rcx*4+170h],ymm0
0.29% 0x000001665895499d: vmovdqu ymm0,ymmword ptr [rdx+rcx*4+190h]
1.42% 0x00000166589549a6: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm0
2.61% 0x00000166589549ab: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm1
4.42% 0x00000166589549b0: vmovdqu ymmword ptr [rdi+rcx*4+190h],ymm0
1.01% 0x00000166589549b9: vmovdqu ymm0,ymmword ptr [rdx+rcx*4+1b0h]
0.10% 0x00000166589549c2: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm0
0.17% 0x00000166589549c7: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm1
1.46% 0x00000166589549cc: vmovdqu ymmword ptr [rdi+rcx*4+1b0h],ymm0
0.27% 0x00000166589549d5: vmovdqu ymm0,ymmword ptr [rdx+rcx*4+1d0h]
13.60% 0x00000166589549de: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm0
3.51% 0x00000166589549e3: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm1
4.69% 0x00000166589549e8: vmovdqu ymmword ptr [rdi+rcx*4+1d0h],ymm0
1.00% 0x00000166589549f1: vmovdqu ymm0,ymmword ptr [rdx+rcx*4+1f0h]
0.11% 0x00000166589549fa: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm0
0.15% 0x00000166589549ff: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm1
1.46% 0x0000016658954a04: vmovdqu ymmword ptr [rdi+rcx*4+1f0h],ymm0
0.26% 0x0000016658954a0d: add r8d,80h
0.01% 0x0000016658954a14: cmp r8d,r10d
0x0000016658954a17: jl 16658954860h
0.00% 0x0000016658954a1d: mov r14,qword ptr [r15+70h]
0.06% 0x0000016658954a21: test dword ptr [r14],eax
0.17% 0x0000016658954a24: cmp r8d,r10d
0x0000016658954a27: jl 16658954860h
0x0000016658954a2d: mov r10d,r9d
0x0000016658954a30: add r10d,0fffffff9h
0x0000016658954a34: cmp r9d,r10d
0.00% 0x0000016658954a37: cmovl r10d,ebx
0x0000016658954a3b: cmp r8d,r10d
0x0000016658954a3e: jnl 16658954a61h
0x0000016658954a40: vmovdqu ymm0,ymmword ptr [rdx+r8*4+10h]
0.14% 0x0000016658954a47: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm0
0.05% 0x0000016658954a4c: vpmulld ymm0,ymm0,ymm1
0.03% 0x0000016658954a51: vmovdqu ymmword ptr [rdi+r8*4+10h],ymm0
96.10% <total for region 1>
My benchmarks are available at github.